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Learn about the Core suite of products: Core extension, Core mobile, and Core web.

Core: What types of wallets does Core have?
How to transition from using the Avalanche® Wallet to Core web.
What are the differences between staking on Core mobile and Core web?
I transitioned from and do not see my previous stake activity.

What is Core web?
Core web FAQ
Core web: How do I connect to Core web?
Core web: How do I connect directly with a Ledger?
Core web: What is Discover?
Core web: How do I claim a project on Discover?
Core web: How do I submit my project to Discover?
Core web: How do I update a project on Discover?
Core web: How do I convert BTC to BTC.b?
Core web: How do I bridge Ethereum assets?
Core web: How do I swap tokens?
Core web: How do I send and receive assets?
Core web: Where do I view my assets?
Core web: DeFi Portfolio Aggregator
Core web: How do I view my wallet activity?
Core web: How do I manage my collectibles?
Core web: How do I switch networks?
Core web: How do I buy AVAX?
Core web: How do I adjust settings?
Core web: How do I view network stats?
Core web: How do I use the Test Faucet?
Core web: How do I see proof of reserves?
Core web: How do I access metrics APIs
Core web: How do I use the Transaction Export Tool?
Core web: How do I send AVAX on the P-Chain and X-Chain?
Core web: How do I validate in Core Stake?
Core web: How do I delegate in Core Stake?
Core web: How do I make Cross-Chain transfers in Core Stake?
Core web: What is Core Stake?
Core web: How do I manually select UTXOs?
Core web: How do I view token details?
Core web: What is the staking dashboard?
Core web: What is the Proof of Assets & Reserve tool?
Core web: How do I interact with Avvy Domains?
Core web: How do I use the Airdrop tool?
Core Web: How do I log into my seedless wallet?
Core web: How to buy tokens on L1s using Halliday?
Core web: How do I use the Signing Tools?

How to share product feedback, report bugs, and request features in Core.
Core: How do I manage Seedless MFA?
Core: What email notifications do I get for my Seedless wallet?
Core: How do I refresh NFT Metadata?
Core: How can I access the Bitcoin address in a non-Core wallet?
Core: Why am I getting a Bridge Unavailable error?
Core: Why is my connection blocked?
Core: Why is my Ledger disconnected from Core extension?
What happens if I connect my Ledger to Core, and don’t see all of my accounts or funds?
Core extension: What if additional accounts are not showing a balance after re-installing
Core extension: What do I do if my Ledger disconnects from the extension?
Core extension: Seedless sign-up gives me a CORS policy error
Core extension: What are Ledger wallet policies?
Core extension: How can I use Core and Metamask at the same time?
Core extension: What is Cross-chain transaction signing?
Core: Why is my Bitcoin balance showing zero when a transaction is pending?
Core web: Getting "An internal error was received" when trying to make a transaction
Core web: What if my cross-chain transaction didn't work?
Core web: Why I don't see all of my assets that I'm expecting to see?
Error: cannot parse the tx
How do I connect Core to Enclave Cross?
How do I connect Core to Benqi?
How do I connect Core to Trader Joe?
How do I use Core with L1s (DFK)?
What derivation paths does Avalanche® use?
Upgrading the Avalanche app in Ledger
Secret Recovery Phrase is not working?
What are the official Avalanche wallets?
What is AvaGPT?
How can I view Core's error messages in the Chrome Console?
How do I add Core extension programmatically?
What happened to
How to integrate Core into an application?