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Core extension: How do I access my existing account?
Core extension: How do I access my existing account?
Amanda avatar
Written by Amanda
Updated over 6 months ago
  1. If Core extension is not already installed, navigate to the Chrome Store to download the extension on the Chrome browser.

  2. Click on the Core extension icon in the browser to be redirected to the log in screen.

  3. If not continuing with an email, clicking Access Existing Wallet Will bring up the following view:

NOTE: Core extension is currently only officially released on Chrome. Users may face unexpected issues on non-Chrome browsers.

Users will have five options for accessing an existing wallet. For information on how to create a new wallet, please refer to this article.

Continue with Google / Apple

  1. Select the Connect with Google or the Connect with Apple.

  2. Select the email address to use or add it manually if it is not already logged in on the mobile device.

  3. If users have set up an additional MFA for their account previously, use it to complete the log in. They can also choose to add MFA at this step, or set it up later.

  4. Choose to opt in or out for Core Analytics by selecting Unlock or No Thanks.

  5. Create a name and password to use when accessing the wallet.

  6. Agree to the Terms of Use.

  7. Optional: Users can opt into an email list to receive updates on Core, airdrops, events, and more! If selected, enter an email address to receive updates at.

Enter Recovery Phrase

  1. Select Recovery Phrase.

  2. Enter the 12, 18, or 24-word recovery phrase for the EVM wallet to connect.

  3. Choose to opt in or out for Core Analytics by selecting Unlock or No Thanks.

  4. Create a name and password to use when accessing the wallet.

  5. Agree to the Terms of Use.

  6. Optional: Users can opt into an email list to receive updates on Core, airdrops, events, and more! If selected, enter an email address to receive updates at.

NOTE: The recovery phrase can be pasted into 1 text box or each box can be filled in manually. The recovery phrase will be shown when entered. Please ensure no extra spaces, special characters, or capitalizations are used in the words.

Do NOT share your Recovery Phrase with anyone else. It will give others access to the wallet and its funds, which could lead to permanent loss.

Add using Ledger

  1. Select Ledger.

  2. Ensure the Ledger device is unlocked and connected to the computer with the Avalanche application open.

  3. Select the derivation path to use for Core extension and click Next.

  4. Choose to opt in or out for Core Analytics by selecting Unlock or No Thanks.

  5. Create a name and password to use when accessing the wallet.

  6. Agree to the Terms of Use.

  7. Optional: Users can opt into an email list to receive updates on Core, airdrops, events, and more! If selected, enter an email address to receive updates at.

NOTE: The BIP44 derivation path is used in Core web when connecting a Ledger directly. To ensure all of the same funds and transaction history is visible across the X, P, and C-Chains when connecting with a Ledger, make sure this path is selected.

Add using Keystone

  1. Select Keystone.

  2. Select the Connect Software Wallet in the Software Wallet menu of the Keystone wallet.

  3. Select Core wallet from the list of options.

  4. Select Scan QR code displayed on your Keystone device.

  5. Allow the device to scan the QR code displayed on the Keystone wallet. This will require the browser to have access to the camera function on the device.

  6. Create a name and password to use when accessing the wallet.

  7. Agree to the Terms of Use.

  8. Optional: Users can opt into an email list to receive updates on Core, airdrops, events, and more! If selected, enter an email address to receive updates at.

For any additional questions, please view our other knowledge base articles or contact a support team member via the chat button. Examples are for illustrative purposes only.

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