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How do I set up Coinbase Wallet on Avalanche?
Amanda avatar
Written by Amanda
Updated yesterday

Set up Avalanche C-Chain Network on Coinbase Wallet

  • On the Coinbase Wallet (desktop), one is able to switch to Avalanche Mainnet with the below steps:

    • Open the settings from the top right

    • Enable the "Developer Mode" checkbox

    • In settings under "Default Network", find "Avalanche C-Chain"

  • For Coinbase Wallet (mobile):

    • Open Settings in the bottom right

    • Open Default Network

    • Switch Network to Avalanche C-Chain

NOTE: To use the Avalanche Bridge to bridge Bitcoin (BTC), one must use either the Core Extension, Mobile, or Web Wallet.

Set up Fuji Network on Coinbase Wallet

  • On Coinbase Wallet (desktop) one can switch to Avalanche Fuji Testnet with the below steps:

    • Open the settings from the top right

    • Enable the 'Developer Mode' checkbox

    • In settings under "Default Network", find Avalanche Fuji Testnet

  • For Coinbase Wallet (mobile):

    • Open Settings in the bottom right

    • Open Default Network

    • Switch Network to Avalanche Fuji Testnet

For any additional questions, please view our other knowledge base articles or contact a support team member via the chat button. Examples are for illustrative purposes only.

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