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Nodes FAQ
Amanda avatar
Written by Amanda
Updated over 7 months ago

Hardware and Setup

  • Minimum:
    CPU: Equivalent of 8 AWS vCPU
    RAM: 16 GiB
    Storage: 1 TiB
    OS: Ubuntu 20.04 or MacOS >= 12

    Network: sustained 5Mbps up/down bandwidth

  • Recommended:
    Fast CPU with 4+ cores
    16GB+ RAM
    High-Performance SSD with at least 1TB of free space
    25+ MBit/sec download Internet service

How much hard drive space do I need for my node?

Currently, the Mainnet pruned dB is around 350GB. That is supposed to decrease significantly after a new pruning mechanism is released. In the meantime, we suggest you have 1TB of free storage space. If you'd like to run an archival node it would need around 2TB.

Backing up your node is deemed as best practice. To do so check the following tutorial.

What do I do with the Keystore?

If you have users defined in the Keystore of your node, then you need to back up and restore those as well. Keystore API has methods that can be used to export and import user keys. Note that Keystore API is used by developers only and is not intended for use in production nodes. If you don't know what a Keystore API is and have not used it, you don't need to worry about it.

How do I get the Recovery Phrase if I created my address and Keystore using the API?

If you created the address via the node API then there is no passphrase, you created a single address. That is generally considered not a best practice. You should create the account using Core with a passphrase or, better yet, with a hardware wallet— for example, a Ledger.

This tutorial will show how to set up infrastructure to monitor an instance of AvalancheGo. You can check the health status of any node on the following page.


No, it does not but as a non-validating node, there will be no access to the mempool.

To add a node to the validator set, please see the following tutorial.

What do non-validating Nodes do?

Nodes not staking 2000 AVAX or more will sync the chains, but cannot participate in consensus decisions. They can be used to post transactions and query information.

Do I earn less as a delegator?

You will earn the same as validators minus the delegation fee set by the validator you are delegating to.

How can I run a node on DFK L1?

The basic instructions for setting up a DFK chain mainnet node can by found here.

For any additional questions, please view our other knowledge base articles or contact a support team member via the chat button. Examples are for illustrative purposes only.

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