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Core web: How do I manage my X & P-Chain assets?
Core web: How do I manage my X & P-Chain assets?
Written by Lavinia Talpas
Updated over a week ago

The X-Chain (Exchange Chain) is the default asset blockchain on Avalanche® and enables the creation of new assets, exchanging between assets, and cross-Subnet transfers. This blockchain is for applications that don’t require total ordering (for total ordering, use the C-Chain). The X-Chain implements the Avalanche consensus protocol.

Note: When using these addresses, it is best practice to follow case sensitivity.

Learn more about all Avalanche blockchains here and view the X-Chain API docs here.

Viewing my X & P-chain Assets

After logging into Core web, assets will automatically appear on the Portfolio page.

Here, users can see networks associated with the wallet, token allocations, current balances, and portfolio breakdowns.

From the networks list, select the Avalanche X-Chain network. Under the tokens section, users can view current balances.

When selecting a certain token, information about the transaction history associated with that asset will be displayed. Next to each transaction ID, additional useful information is provided.

To view all transactions, select the Activity section.

Details such as the date, hash, and ability to view on the explorer are also available.

The X-Chain address can be seen in the top right corner. Please note that the X and P chains share the same address.

The QR code associated with the address can be revealed at the top right by selecting the single square icon.

How do I send X-Chain assets?

  1. Select the Avalanche X-Chain network on the Command Center tab.

  2. Enter the receiving address in the "Send to" field. Make sure the address has the

    "X-" prefix, otherwise, it is not considered a valid address.

  3. Select the amount of AVAX to send. and then click on "Send AVAX" to finish the transaction.

  4. Approve the transaction when prompted.

  5. A pop-up message showing that the transaction is done will show up on the bottom-right corner of Core web. "View on Explorer" allows users to see more info by opening the block explorer page of that transaction.

For any additional questions, please view our other knowledge base articles or contact a support team member via the chat button. Examples are for illustrative purposes only.

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